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Tt Transfer From Gbp To Thai Baht

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dieseldick | 18:00 Sat 27th Jun 2015 | Business & Finance
5 Answers
i made a TT today from my halifax online account to my thai bank , kasikorn bank .

the amount was £10.000 sent in uk sterling, converted at rate 53.2

its now saturday night so no way of checking anything, so my question is this, is there any way i can trace where the money is ? i checked and doubled checked that my correct acc number was put in. concerned incase it goes to anothers account and if so can i recall monies sent ?

also does thai bank at other end take a fee also does the holding bank ie lloyds take a fee ?

thanks ( maybe paypal a better option )


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Halifax will have charged you £9.50:

Assuming that Kasikorn bank charge the same amount for a transfer into a local currency account as they do for a transfer into a foreign currency account, you'll nominally be charged 0.25% of the value of the transfer = £25 = 1330 Baht. However the actual amount charged will only be 500 Baht, since it's capped at that:
Paypal would have done the transfer instantly. Not sure of their limits though. Possibly £10,000 would be too much.
PayPal is good for small amounts, Eddie, but no so good for larger ones.

That £9.50 Halifax charge is a fixed amount. (If you transfer just £1 overseas you'll still be charged £9.50 for doing so).

PayPal works on a percentage basis, so the more you transfer the more you'll pay. (DD's transfer would have cost him £440.20!)
^^ No fees for payments to 'Family and friends' via Paypal .
cheap aint necessarily good DD

BCCI who crashed because they were a front for money launderers
went zoop, and so did all the small deposits and depositors.

BCCI was the cheapest by far to transfer ( then - the nineties )

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Tt Transfer From Gbp To Thai Baht

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