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Rte 28

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Desktopped | 15:12 Tue 30th Jun 2015 | Crosswords
12 Answers
8accross: Light starter before breakfast? (4) ?a?n
13accross: Easy language to handle but hard on the hearing (4) ?i?n


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8 Dawn
13 Sign
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thank you Mamyalynne
You're welcome
Please explain sign?
Sign language - done by hand but you can't hear it.
I think you'll find it's MIEN - a language and sounds like mean (hard)
I beg your pardon then.
Hmmm, could be. RTE clues are often far from cut and dried... Take your pick, Desk!
sign language the hearing cant hear it as its visual
Sorry - crossing posts
The language is - Lu mien , but you tell me you think I'll find so I'll leave it there.

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Rte 28

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