One time in Belgium, there was a girl working in the EEC living beneath close friends of mine. We took her out for an afternoon, a bit ilke today. We tromped downstairs to pick her up and K said my mate's and my faces were priceless when she lifted her arms. Forget being hirsute, it was like the Amazon jungle down there, all sorts of anacondas and wildlife nesting, black as hell......
@Mikey,...your 14 year old nephew will be using a lot more likely to attract the girlies with its trendy aroma...I bet it's way more expensive than any deodorant has a right to be...;), I don't think so ! I work in close proximity to my clients and I am sure I would have noticed if I smelt before. But I will ask various members of my family over the next few days and see what they say.
DTC....hairy armpits are bad enough on women but I draw the line at hairy top lips. Moustaches can sometimes maketh the man, but never a lady !
So why do so many women not shave their top lips ? Its especially noticeable on older ladies, especially OAPs. It has always puzzled me ! They spend ages in front of mirrors, doing their lippy, but seem to miss the bit 5 mil north !
Bathy...he has to come out of his bedroom first ! He is totally obsessed with computer games, and he goes to an all boys school. The only females he meets are his sisters and his Mum !
Mind you, I used to spend ages in my bedroom at his age, but of course, that was way before computer games were invented !
Is there a grain of truth when I say that once you start using a deodorant you always have to use one? My dad was born in 1906 and lived till he was 95. Never used a deodorant in his life and didn't whiff and didn't have smelly feet either despite working on the land.