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The Week 959

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MCC | 06:34 Wed 01st Jul 2015 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
13 down - Senior policemen mostly avoid special offer (10). I have s?p?r???e?


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Of course! Thanks!
You're welcome
Can you see things on here properly this morning, jo?
I'm on ABmobile and can't see the question links or the name of who answered.
Sorry, I didn't know what you meant. Yes, everything's ok.
Just noticed that ordinary links appear as a thin red line.
Could someone try switching to ABmobile and see if it's just me?
I've just looked on AB mobile and got this
I clicked on your link and it's just fine(normal) jo. I'll just leave it on here now, not risk messing about. XX

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The Week 959

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