Hold on a sec - don't they have to buy the copies they sell (they don't get given them for free) then they work all day on the street selling the magazines (instead of begging)?
Are you saying that there should be a cap on their income? That if they sell well, they should be forced to stop and let another take their pitch?
SURELY the Big Issue are regulated to ensure they are choosing their vendors ethically and fairly? Are they not background checked to prove their current & ongoing financial situation? I thought that by selling the Big Issue they have access to training & Support as it's a charity and they are trying to help people move away from a difficult situation and into more permanent work?
Someone please enlighten me - What checks do they do before offering someone the opportunity to be a vendor, and do they give people a long-term plan and cut off dates/ earnings before they move onto pastures new, or is it a here you go, if you earn £Xk a year every year then great you can do this forever (?)