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Weather Wise

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jennyjoan | 05:20 Thu 02nd Jul 2015 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Did not think yesterday (Thursday) was hot at alll - I put my heating on at eight o clock - no , no way for me and I live in NI


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34 degrees here yesterday and a lot cooler day forecast for today , only 26 degrees
.Where do you live? We felt it couldnt get much hotter!
My son came home from work with heat exhaustion.
My daughter phoned from Southern Ireland enquiring about the UK's heatwave. She said it was warm enough but not scorchio like it was here.
Is that North Iceland ?

Hottest July day on record apparently.
Ireland didn't get it...surprise surprise!!
Jenny I would have gladly swooped places with you yesterday. 97 degrees here yesterday.
NI were always a scary people - es when they were carrying a gun...

yeah hot baby hot - went out to central manchester in the evening and sat on Canal street in shirt sleeves which you can only really do for a few evgs a y.

even had a siesta !
Ooh PP!! What were you after on Canal St last night? :p x x
...apologies for stereotyping, etc, above post...;) x x
Bloody hot here in mid Wales yesterday!!
What I hate about the UK weather. I'm going away this weekend and have to pack for the unpredictable!!
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peter pedant - where is the connection

NI were always a scary people - es when they were carrying a gun...

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