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Lavender77 | 10:54 Sat 04th Jul 2015 | Crosswords
19 Answers
"Gods here reflect the head of state on high, my fate, my beginning" --/---M---
Also "Alternatively, dressed down with a flower" ---O-D


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Mt Olympus
up (on high)
lot (fate)
all backwards

or chid
Question Author
Yes, chid = scold
chid is the past tense of chide (dress down, scold)
Question Author
oh, right - I feel thoroughly chidded
These are the answers I came up with, as well, but.....there seems to be a clash with the interlocking letters: the fourth letter of the down solution (h)should be the same as the sixth letter of the across one (m), which isn't the case. Can anybody offer an explanation????
Orchid (down) fits with Shrub (across) at the 'h'
9a Mt Olympus
5d Orchid

They don't cross
3d Truman crosses at 'm'
Sorry, I thought AMartinP was referring to Lavender's answers :(
Sorry - I read the wrong down clue. Forget the nonsense I wrote...eye test time, I think.
I think they are but have confused the clues - supposition on my part.
5D maybe Orchid = Alternatively Or and Chid to chide ?
9A Gods here reflect the head of state on high, my fate, my beginning
I have --/-L-M-U-.
Both answered/confirmed above.
10 across is shrub therefore:
" Alternatively, dressed down with a flower " is ---H-D
which becomes ORCHID
Welcome to AB. If you look up, you will see that both clues have already been answered :)
reflect the head of state at the end: S
on high: UP so : PUS
my fate: MYLOT backwards so: T.OLYMPUS
my beginning: M Hence: MT.OLYMPUS
Sorry, Beginners inexperience! And I thought I was so smart. Ah Well !

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