Hello DevaDolly. I don't think you're alone in finding it tricky this week! I'm not ashamed to say that I'm still plugging away and have not yet identified the theme. I appear to be the tortoise with this one, not the hare. I blame it on losing solving time on Sunday due to one of our garages being flooded during a big thunderstorm, and having to rescue lots of boxes of things from a Sticky End. Okay, not sure that joke works; not really sticky, just wet :-(
Good Morning All. Am plodding like EV & CJ but finding the clues very satisfying when done. Feel I should know the sticky end and associates but it just seems stuck in the cotton wool at the back of the brain......bang head on wall perhaps....?
Finally got there - well, just about. I can only find six clashes and can't parse all the clues, but have done what all instructions tell me to do. I'm a little unsure about what colour is the thematic one. I guess the obvious one that is usually associated with the "object" we get at the end. Enjoyable puzzle.
Have had great difficulty initially with this Ev . Could someone please explain the clash that should be at the end of 13 across and second letter 5 down I have an U there as the final letter but I have failed completely to solve or get the correct answer to 13 ac. . Any help would be gratefully received. thanking you. I must also sy that I thought the rubric was not clear w.r.t. the shading of some parts.
thank you for your prompt reply.l I just could not work out the answer and I never thought about Paw and Nil. I hope that i can sort out what I am supposed to shade in since I find the instructions rather vague. Do I have to shade in both the location and the witness or do I leave the location unshaded