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Puppypaws | 18:53 Sun 02nd Aug 2015 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
I work in a position of trust
A colleague has confided in me about another colleage on the same level.
The said person on my level is very dangerous and a compulsive liar.
The person has fabricated a life including people who are not real and kids.
I feel that although this dosent affect work as such, that this person cannot be trusted. The person causes bother in the work setting and we feel at risk.
Should i go to my manager? Or even above?
Its worrying me we are all at risk of the lies. I work in the medical profession.
The person admitted all this- but has now becoming nasty towards the person she admitted it to. Not sure this could be dealt with at my managers lever as they also would be involved then? Please help


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Tell your colleague to go and tell the manager what they told you. Why is it your responsibility? Tell your colleague to deal with it themself.
Lies about whether they have children or not are one thing, if their lies affect other staff and those they care for then report or stand by and watch the fallout.
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The work related lies so far are only really someone said something about another (and they didnt) nothing MAJOR.....

Its just because i am "in the know" that i am terrified things will escalate.

The person confided in me..... I feel involved now because anyone who lies that much i feel cant be trusted to care for others.

However it isnt a sackable offence to lie about your outside life- isnt much that can be done is there?
this person's personal life whether true or in their head is just that..personal..nowt to do with work so do not get drawn in...let it go..say nowt....
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Many thanks everyone
If you have got actual PROOF then take it to your manager. If the manager does nothing and you are SURE that they have done nothing, then you would be justified in taking it to your manager's manager.

Other things you might think about would be to look on your organisation's website for confidential reporting policy and whistleblower policy and procedure. Have you got a copy of the email? If you haven't then again have you got any objective proof?
I am sorry to say this but if the situation is as serious as you seem to think it is then your colleague should be reporting this him or herself. In serious cases of abuse, fraud and the like in the NHS, (I used to work as a manager in my local NHS group) knowing that something is happening and doing nothing about it is seen as almost as serious as the fraud/abuse and so on and quite rightly too in my opinion.
If this person is taking more time off than entitled to because of stories she has fabricated, it is fraud if she is being paid for the additional time off and it needs to be reported.
puppypaws - there must be someone in the workplace who is senior to you not necessarily a line manager whom you CAN trust ?

you should discuss it with them

Both nursing and medical professions have codes about probity which seems engaged here

and if you really know that they have done things for which you can be struck off ( rather than Mrs Mopp said to her cousin - you know the one who died last year, and SHE said she THOUGHT.... ) then both the medical and nursing codes specify you have to act....

we had a compulsive liar who specified that she was getting heavy breathing down the phone and the only people who knew her new phone number were her work colleagues....I have to say it turned out to be very troublesome.....
Puppypaws needs to be careful Peter, Whistleblowers still don't get the protection they deserve in spite of all the hot air spouted about it.
And now that they know about it, when the poo hits the fan, they will have known and not done anything and therefore be culpable....... OP, get off the fence and go to your manager. As I said, unless you have got a serious and provable reason for not going to your manager, it will go back to them anyway and you will be in even deeper.
I wonder what happened?

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