How is it done, i.e. 'dismantling a building brick by brick' and re-assembling it on another site, something due to be done here in Co. Durham to a humble old picture house. It seems like a MASSIVE task. It may be just a cinema, but it was built with an awful lot of bricks.
I'm sure there must be a Youtube clip showing how it's done, but how do you word the search engine for something like that?
Sorry that I can't tell you how it is done, but many years ago this was done with an old pub in Walsall close to where I worked at that time and it was rebuilt in the Black Country Living Museum at Dudley.
There was an episode of the Antiques Roadshow a few years ago where the niece of an elderly lady called May Savidge brought a whole load of her aunt's stuff along. Turned out this elderly lady had been told her house in Ware in Hertfordshire was to be knocked down so had taken it down herself, numbered everything, had it transported to Norfolk and then had rebuilt it, doing all the work herself. She'd died before finally finishing it and the niece had decided to sell the old lady's massive pile of odds and ends so as to complete the job.