HELP! Need something more challenging! in The AnswerBank: Jobs & Education
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HELP! Need something more challenging!

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PullUpTulip | 13:04 Mon 08th May 2006 | Jobs & Education
3 Answers

AT LAST, I have gained my NVQ3, but now I am at a loss, I don't know what to do! I have experience working as childminder, nursery assistant, preschool assistant and classroom assistant, so all ages from 0-11yrs.

Trouble is, I want to move away from being an 'assistant', get away from being in the same place all the time, and find something I can really get my 'teeth into'. I would be happy to be based in an office and be able to go out and see children in lots of different settings and work with children on a one-to-one basis.

Is there any organisation that I could approach? What can I do with my qualifications & experience!! Any ideas or inspiration appreciated!

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Hi, have you thought about working at the LEA or perhaps in the Early Years Dept for your local council. They seem to employ alot of staff covering Early Years settings and childminding. Have you thought about becoming an Assessor - visiting students who are undertaking their NVQ in childcare?

BTW congratulations on gaining your NVQ3

what about health care?

I'm a nursery nurse and have done all the usual - i eventually went into health and have worked with health visitors and the like.

In fact i enjoyed it so much that I am now a very mature student nurse. !!

I work in residential child care - now that is a challenge and lots of the work is one to one. There is a better career structure to the profession now and there are opportunities to progress into social work

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