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Night Night Song From Mamya♥

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Mamyalynne | 23:00 Fri 14th Aug 2015 | ChatterBank
15 Answers


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Evening Mamya x.
Evening Mamya + Tony.

Obama's fave, apparently ;)

x x
Hiya Baths

So is this I believe.
Evening all. Love the skating in this video.Hope you are all well? x
Hi Barsel. How are you? Still feeling better, I hope ;)
This was my ringtone for ages,...shall post my current one in a bit ;)

x x
Hiya Barsel.
Check this pair of guys skating.
Yay Tony!! That was pretty cool skating :)

My current ringtone is the screamy bit at the end of this ;)

x x
That's a fab video Tony, wish I could skate like that.
I'm fine Bathsheba. Been having a new bathroom and it's been really stressful having different men coming in at 8am every morning and not having access to the shower for 11 days, but it's finished now so i'm getting back into my usual routine.xx
There would be no mistaking whose phone is ringing then, Baths.
having different men coming in at 8am every morning

tut tut Barsel, you'll be having the neighbours taking ;-)
Oh poor you Barsel...sounds like a nightmare :( Glad it's all finished now.
Reminded me a bit of when we had a new roof a couple of years ago,....didn't take them long, but they turned up at just after 7 every morning!! :/

x x
Lol Tony, you're not wrong there,'s just a bit embarrassing when there's youngsters around,...they haven't a clue what it is! ;)

x x
Captain Beaky - Keith Michell, please, thank you. xx
Here ya go, Cupes...x x

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Night Night Song From Mamya♥

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