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Feeding a seven month old baby

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sherrardk | 09:31 Mon 24th Apr 2006 | Parenting
10 Answers
My youngest child (who is seven months old) has been eating baby food for a while now but only the powdered variety that you mix with water. On three occassions I have tried to give her something else (fromage frais and ready-made food in jars) and each time she has been violently sick. Any one have any ideas as to how I can introduce her to a wider range of food without making her vomit?


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the only solution i can see is to leave a couple of weeks and try again, lots of babies have this problem as theyve been used to just liquid and its a big strange thing for them and takes a while to accept, if it does'nt improve have a word at your baby clinic, but dont despair i'm sure it will get better and your little girl will be fine, all the best ;0)

Do you make the powdered variety very watery? Perhaps she doesnt like the lumps in jar foods? Try watering them down with a bit of formula milk or expressed breast milk. The taste of that may help.

Failing that use only purees in the 4month plus jars until she gets used to the different tastes and then gradually change to lumpier food.

i gave my son jars and he was sick aswell, so i started to make my own, just things like puree veg etc. then at about 7 month i just mash the food instead of puree, since hes been having homemade food hes very rarely sick. They say theres no added preservatives or collouring in those jars but how come there all bloody orange! i would also reccommend 'Lorraine Kelly's Baby and Toddler Eating Plan' published by 'virgin Books' Its been my bible since he was 4 month old. Good LUCK
pear is meant to be the gentlest fruit on the stomach- simmer a couple of chopped peeled pears in a little water until they're soft and puree them. you could also mix it with some baby rice and see if she's okay with it and then reduce the rice.
I seem to remember my health visitor saying that babies under a year old find cow's milk (ie fromage frais, yoghurt etc) very hard to digest. I introduced my son to solids very slowly; he was just having baby rice to start with, made with formula milk. Talk to your health visitor, she'll have some ideas about it.
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Thanks for all the answers but I don't think the food is actually getting a chance to pass her mouth - I think she is making herself be sick rather than the food making her sick, the effect is instant! She is what you might call 'head strong'!
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Thanks for all the answers but I don't think the food is actually getting a chance to pass her mouth - I think she is making herself be sick rather than the food making her sick, the effect is instant! She is what you might call 'head strong'!
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Thanks for all the answers but I don't think the food is actually getting a chance to pass her mouth - I think she is making herself be sick rather than the food making her sick, the effect is instant! She is what you might call 'head strong'!

Hi SherrardK, sorry I've benn a bit slow in posting this but I've only just managed to read the answers.

Babies can't deliberately make themselves sick, they have very little control over their bodies at this age. I really think you would find the best help from your health visitor or family doctor. I'm sure things will settle down soon,

All the best.

Question Author
Just been to the health visitor for Molly's 8 month check and she says there is nothing to be concerned about. Thanks for all your answers

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