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Best Place For Family Discussions

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AB Editor | 14:56 Mon 03rd Aug 2015 | Family & Relationships
3 Answers

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  • Around the dinner table - 166 votes
  • 63%
  • While out walking, e.g. at the park - 48 votes
  • 18%
  • In your children's bedroom - 34 votes
  • 13%
  • In the car while driving - 11 votes
  • 4%
  • In the living room while playing or watching TV - 5 votes
  • 2%

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Stats until: 18:45 Sat 21st Sep 2024 (Refreshed every 5 minutes)


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Hmmm.....I'm not sure there ever was a 'best place'. It depended on what he'd asked and why. I always tried to give him my undivided attention at the time, though.
Pub for me. If you mean little kids, any and all the above are OK, I'd have thought.
Depends if it's private and could be a bit delicate then their bedroom where they feel in control, if general family discussion then round the dining table.

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