I know of several people who follow a Gluten free diet and have said that they feel better for it. Most of the reasons given is that they used to feel bloated all of the time but now they don't. I hope that this information helps.
i am coeliac, i had a constantly bad tummy for about 15 yrs. just thought it was my prob until mrs J said the smell was getting so bad i had to go to the doc. if you think you may have it go for a diagnosis before you give up gluten as you need the coeliac antibodies to be diagnosed, without which you cannot get dietry benefits from the NHS.
I also follow a gluten free diet, but not for medical reasons, as first reply, I also felt bloated all the time. I initially started it to lose weight, but now it's a lifestyle choice 'clean eating' it's called, was started as part of the Juice Plus diet, but I no longer do the 'juice', I just do the clean eating, keeps me slim, de-bloated, full of energy and sleep much better with it. I would definitely recommend.
Yes, being gluten free really helps me and my pain (from arthritis). I googled the York test and found out exactly what my food allergies /intolerances were.