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Ohhh I See

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cupotee2 | 23:44 Tue 18th Aug 2015 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
I got a 1 year service badge. How exciting, I think!

What do I do with it, can I display it anywhere?

No rood answers please...



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Well done, cupotee.
You have to wear it on your right boob so I can say whats the left one called
You could celebrate by getting an avatar...
Wear it with pride, Cuppa :o)
We don' need no stinkeen bahdges,
Yeah we do pardner.
That should be "amigo", not "pardner", old bean.
\\\What do I do with it,\\\

I could tell you.
Are you telling me you havent got a display case ready for it???
i sew mine onto my ab jumper, doesn't everybody?

That should be "amigo", not "pardner", old bean.

Yor reet, Camaro
Question Author
Well there's a few suggestions here.

I'd like that cuppa as my avatar tonyav but have no idea who to attach it.

Knitting a jumper is out of the question..knobbly arthritic fingers an all that.

Don't fancy what I think Sqad might be suggesting.

Mnn perhaps I'll leave it locked in the ab cupboard til I have a matching pair.

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Ohhh I See

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