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R T E 36

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snaro | 13:44 Mon 24th Aug 2015 | Crosswords
12 Answers

badly stuck on a lot this week and need a breakthrough . 10 \ 15 across

(8 ) (4 ) foul scent of fading flower or is it garlic ? ?????i?? r???

next ( 10 letters ) ????? e ?d ?? refined ladies put them down initially

down as cliches


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Stinking Rose
Because of its strong odor, garlic is sometimes called the "stinking rose".
1D Platitudes
Can you tidy that otherclue up

is it

refined ladies put them down initially


refined ladies put them down initially down as cliches
Thanks Galma.
Question Author
tanx galma and mamyalynne responses help a lot ill have a go at the remainder and will revert to you if imay tanx again
No problem. Haven't finished it yet!
10a.Brass neck?
You're welcome,good luck.
Anagram of ladies put & t(hem)
Ignore brass neck (wrong thread)

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R T E 36

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