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Windows 10

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telboy1938 | 06:50 Wed 26th Aug 2015 | Computers
12 Answers
Any comments on the Windows 10 upgrade guys ? i.e. should we wait a little longer to allow issues to be sorted? Your opinions matters. Tel


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If you look on the Technology page of AB you will find reports that are on balance very discouraging. I have also been warned by 2 independent expert sources that (i) I don't need it (ii) your computer system can suffer a lot of damage if you simply follow the instructions given and (iii) that the whole thing in effect is a gimmick to get you later to buy all sorts of other technology that will only work with W 10. In other words, forget it (unless you are a computer whizz kid or something)!
If you are happy with the version of Windows that you have why bother.

You have a year to update for "free" anyway.
I am waiting till early glitches have been sorted..after Xmas probably
i reserved the free win 10 but haven't received it yet ... don't know whether to upload it when i do or not :-(

I uploaded mine last night. Warning - it takes about an hour and a half to complete.
It's brilliant in my book but using it in conventional pc form and not in tablet....much more speed to it and no impact on the office suite etc - in fact, it appears to be a lot more stable, some nice features like being able to read newspapers in book form.
I love it. Much much faster than any other Windows OS, both in load times and in use.
Easy and intuitive. Modern and fresh.

Install time depends on a lot of factors. Mine took 14 minutes.
I absolutely hated W8.

W8.1 was a small imptovement.

W10 is much better, and I like it.

However if you are on W7 I would say stick with what you know.
You have one month to roll back to your old OS if you don't like it
I don't see the point personally, only the temptation of being offered something 'uptodate' for free.
By the time Windows 10 stabilises I'll probably be after a new laptop anyway.
@murraymints & @ichkeria......Wisdom from both of you.

Christmas could be a good time to download Windows 10., or possibly, buy a new Laptop; preloaded with W10.

Well I've been using the final version for very nearly a month without so much as a wobble. Seems stable enough to me

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