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PC and Mac

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potterfan3 | 18:08 Tue 09th May 2006 | Technology
8 Answers
What is the difference between a PC and mac except from that one is made by microsoft and the other macromedia


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Mac Gives a Neater user interface (UI), with many graphical effects, but, if you want to do something useful, get a PC. Macs tend to have not as many resources available, hardware, and software.
Microsoft do not make PCs.
Macromedia do not make Macs.
Microsoft make the main opperating system that PC's Run, (Windows XP or any other version), Macromedia make programs to run on windows and mac. Apple Macintosh make Mac, though now some macs with intel chips can run Windows (by microsoft).
I'm hoping (and thinking) that potterfan is joking here ;)
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No, not joking, it seems to me that there are just different brands of the same thing and i can't understamd why people refer to them differently
PC vs Mac
Apple Macs are a type of personal computers, which notably only ever use one type of motherboard, one graphics card, one sound card etc which results in the operating system being slightly more stable, but you having to pay more for inital hardware and upgrades.
Macs can be used appropriately in media application, like high-end graphic design, video editing or for multitrack recording in recording studios.
As a home PC they are generally less compatible than IBM based PCs, and the extra cost isn't justified for word processing and web browsing.

They are essentially very similar means to the same end - you can do most of the same tasks on both, although they will use different software in the process.

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