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R T E 36

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snaro | 14:20 Mon 24th Aug 2015 | Crosswords
15 Answers

still stuck the following please 12 across ( 5 ) such nerve dosent come much harder

22 across 2 words (5 ) and (4 ) pray with parliamentary leader about not losing it in parliament ( ive no letters sorry )

16 down 2 words (5) ( 5 ) not going down well try this solution tanx for all the assist im not in the game this week !!!


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12a.Brass neck?
16. liver salts?
Steel, party whip, Start again. I think these are correct.
22 Party Whip
Question Author
excellent solutions and tanx again one last favour would you enter the word( long ) for 4 down ? o / g modified extent is still extensive This would give me completion many tanx to all
I thought 9a was Border line so that would give you the letters ?r?g for 4d
9a clue is ...... ....: disconnected ancestry? (6,4)
Hi poorclare- what was the full clue for 9a please?
9a clue is ______ ______: disconnected ancestry? (6,4)

Answered as - Broken line
Thanks Mamyalynne. I'd assumed the ....... was just signifying that there were some preceding words.
Broken line will be right so LONG will fit
22a/29a Party Whip
16d Start again
Those are answered above Clare.
I think you are forgetting to tab down, poorclare. It's easily done
Hi fiction-factor, sorry yes I do/did forget to scroll down, have not been on line since Wednesday, not feeling too well this last week.
Feel better soon Clare.x
Tis easily done- it seems odd that we can't see the answers belwo the answer box.

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R T E 36

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