Sorry if this is a late response, but, for what it's worth ... we've just completely refurbished a ground floor flat into which our new tenant has just moved. We virtually gutted the place - new kitchen, new bathroom, new carpets, flooring, etc. We didn't use wallpaper to keep the cost down, just used a neutral colour paint (can't remember what it was called, but it wasn't magnolia - although I can't understand what is wrong with magnolia ). All the rest of the decor has been done very inoffensively (well we hope it is anyway) .... When we first took over the flat, the first tenant made a complee mess of the wallpaper (and it was absolutely ghastly), so we were glad to get rid of it in favour of just painted walls. So keep everything neutral. Then if you are renting it as "unfurnished" everything your new tenant brings in with her/him will be okay with the neutral decor. Good luck with your project ... Chox.