Every time the neighbours mother goes out the teenager daughter parties ,shouting,loud music,the house seems full of loud kids the mother has been told but it still goes on till early hours at what point should police be called or should we just ignore it
Stuie, Im retired my o/h has heart problems and in I'll health and I through choice do not drink alcohol but did so in my younger days so not kill joy the neighbour other side of house is in her 90s
Thanks, EDDIE51. In Ontario, the cops would certainly being paying a visit to a house/street party where there were under nineteen year old's drinking.
All I can say, ummmm, is that cops here are much more stricter in there approach to "disorderly conduct", especially involving alcohol, no matter what the age. Drunken, or merely just rowdy, street parties: no way.
I'd still give the police a phone and see what they say......who knows, they might come round and have a word.
They do have a responsibility towards 'vulnerable' people, and you and your husband may come under this term if you are older and in poor health.
(Sorry if you're not 'older').
Wouldn't cost you anything to ring the police, non-emergency number.
Speak to the mother tomorrow and tell her that you'll have to call the police next time as its happened once to many times now. Then next time you can call the police as soon as it becomes a noise and public order nuisance.
I had a similar problem, Police not interested but the Council asked me to fill in a Diary for a few weeks. Is the house their own? If not then the landlord should take action.
My problem was soon resolved because their house was owned by the local authority who spoke to them and threatened eviction, the noise soon stopped.
^^ Yes that is all the council will do. It has happened here as well. They give you a diary to fill in with dates and times it happens.
By the way playing your own music early in the morning as 'revenge' makes you as bad as they are.
Update it went on till 3_30 in morning police were called not by me when it ended up in the street and peoples car alarms were set of apparently they are going to speak to the mother at some point ,I haven't played1912 overture even though I was tempted lol, at the moment one of the teenagers is tidying up the garden I presume before mother gets home