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Hurricane : Samantha Hamilton -Jones

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Bazile | 11:35 Tue 08th Sep 2015 | ChatterBank
14 Answers


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Katie Hopkins
hopefully modern names like Chardonnay and Damon. I don't think Katie Hopkins should be used for anything more than a drizzly afternoon, she gets too much publicity already.
Whilst I am thinking,could someone clue me in on - Samantha Hamilton - Jones please.
Inateacup - ancient Egyptian goddess of scary weather
Mind you....if we're talking lots of wind I'm going with....Cupid....x

Giz a clue Baz, who is she, one of your Neighbours or something?
Hurricane Boris...
Question Author
Well at the moment she is nobody - but she could come to life in the future if my nomination is accepted .

You are reading too much into the name .
All the names of previous hurricanes / storms , have been christian names only.

So i'm thinking , let's have a full christian and surname one , and a double barreled surname to boot
Oh,thought you had some tasty gossip on her,in that case.......

Crispin Tremain or as his friends call him Crisp Ankle Threemain.
If we are naming British storms we should be using Carry On character names. I submit W.Otto Whopper.
Vera Gina?

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Hurricane : Samantha Hamilton -Jones

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