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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 04:41 Thu 10th Sep 2015 | ChatterBank
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Thursday. The weekend is sneaking up again. Doesn't time fly when you're having fun! :o}

Too cloudy to see much yet, I haven't been out either, other than the garden.

Have a happy day everyone.


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bye DTC. have a good day.x
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Have a good'un DT.

Morning WT xxx How are you this morning? :o}
Morning all !

Another good day ahead it would seem ! Very sunny yesterday and about 18 degrees by mid afternoon. But as the kids have gone back to school, we shouldn't be too surprised, as it happens every year at this time !

I thin its about time the summer school holidays were shifted forward to June.
bye DT xx Morning Tanner xx Morning Mikey xx
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Morning mikey. It's time they were shorter! There are plans afoot to change it.
school hols here start last week in june
Morning Boaty ! I may be wrong here but I think that England and Wales are almost alone in having the school summer hols so late in the year. I know they are earlier in Scotland. In America, they break up for about 3 months in late May-early June ! Imagine having the kids home for 3 months a year

despite putting wire not plastic netting round the fruit cage they have clawed holes through it destroyed several plantings of other veg. if it hasn't ben watered the pheasants and Miriam have made dust baths even scooping up beans, onions, etc in their esctasy. don't know why I bother.

rant over. looks like it's going to be a good day here. maybe summer has come back for a day or two.
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I think one idea being thought of is 6 weeks at school and two weeks off, or something along those lines, but that sort of idea anyway. That would also snooker the travel firms that double their prices during the school holidays.
being allowed to take your children out of school for two weeks in any one scholastic year would also stop that boaty.
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Yes LJ. But then they miss two weeks of their education, it can take a lot to catch up.
problems arise when families have kids at different schools...
that's true boaty but if they are ill they usually seem to catch up and i only suggested 2 weeks in a whole scholastic year not every term. just think it might stop the way everything doubles in price during the present holidays.
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I saw what you were saying LJ. It is another option. I favour the shorter terms and shorter holidays. The way it is now, I remember by the end of term being ready for a break, but even then I thought six weeks too long. It was done that way in the first place to allow the children to help with the harvest. That ceased to be necessary many years ago.
long holidays become tedious and expensive..3 weeks would be better
have to go..buider boys here..see you later xx
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Have a happy day minty. xxxxx :o}
bye minty. have you borrowed them from gness or are they all your own? have a good day.
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I'm going to make a move too.

Have a happy day everyone. xxxxx
I did know that boaty but it is so unnecessary now and has been for some years just think that it should have been sorted out by now. noticed yesterday that our local pub meals have gone back to their normal prices.

anyway time for me to go. take care all of you. thanks boaty.xx very much appreciated.

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