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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 05:25 Sun 13th Sep 2015 | ChatterBank
150 Answers
Sunday. cloudy again this morning. If today turns out like yesterday I shall be happy. A bit of rain overnight. That's when it should rain!

Out to dinner this evening. Always good.

Have a happy day everyone.


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Morning Tambo, are you o.k?
Bye Elina, Morning Tambo.
I hate hate hate swindlers & cheats. I will get even!
Morning all. Overcast and cool and very still this morning up here in North Wales.Had a quick stroll on the promenade, and will be off out for lunch in Llandudno. The Cottage Loaf is the venue chosen by ''She Who Must Be Obeyed' 'Suits me fine, traditional roast, good pint of ale, and a glass of that Aussie shiraz.
Well it's not nice being duped Tambo. I don't know the details, but think about things x
Revenge is sweet Tambo, what happened?

Can't beat good Aussie plonk Togo. Hope your lunch goes down well.
Morning Togo, sounds fab after a stroll! Right, got to go .. Bye everyone. Where did lady go, where are you Mrs? See you x
Bye Elina, have a good day.

Time I hit the kitchen again.

'Til next time.
Better late than never, morning all!!
Morning Shazz ;-).

Hope you have a good day.

Time for me to serve the hungry hoards something edible.....Hopefully..

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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