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Your Right / Unions

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TWR | 08:31 Wed 16th Sep 2015 | ChatterBank
38 Answers
To a point they have caused problem in the past, is this Government doing their upmost to take your rights away from you, to destroy, or trying to destroy the unions, then the employers to fully control you


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A lot take without knowing what to do Eddie, I have been there but the Company backed down, It's surprising what you can do with a hidden Dictaphone Eddie.
You hear this sort of thing all the time .
I worked for 16 years for a well known brewery who decided to make me redundant.They then advertised my job as experience neccesary,when I had 16 years of experience and ..not blowing my own trumpet....I was good at my job.Their answer was I was too old at 46 .
Without the backing of the union and Acas I would never have received compensation for what amounted to ageism on their part .I had the old chestnut ..would you meet us here etc. No way .I stood my ground and they had to divvy up.
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Good on you Shan, I had issue with one big Brewery in Luton Many years ago, these *** knew when the off loaded the rear of the trailer we could not drop it, I had my own back when The Company closed the place & we were directed to London, They thought they would stop me crossing a line, after the way they treated drivers in Luton they got what they deserved, I had no sympathy with them.
Of course a minority should be able to affect the majority. The majority should be supportive of the abused minority who look to achieve fairness.
"To a point they have caused problem in the past, "

To a point! They nearly brought the country to its knees for gawds sake. Representing the Pay and Conditions of employees is all well and good but Unions are led by power hungry militants who, deep down, have nothing but their own self interests at heart.
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You don't kick a person that's down Zac, that's why the Union raised up, but I did not go the way Red Robbo went in B.L. many years ago, that bloke was a crank.
My point entirely.
I agree with Zacs. The union chiefs are determined to bring the government down - in favour of what alternative?
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I don't think so Naomi, If a worker is treated right, they will serve right, if they try to exploit the worker the union is the only avenue the worker has, it was tried with myself Naomi but I was one step ahead, an example of a worker getting exploited "Zero Hours" you have no say, No contract, No back up, if a union was run correctly, there is no issue, in some cases management need to go on courses how to treat / speak to people before trying to push them.
TWR, //If a worker is treated right, they will serve right//

We know that it not necessarily true, don't we TWR. I agree that unions can be a good thing, but the powerful unions of the past practically destroyed this country by calling strikes for the most pathetic reasons. Don't be fooled. They don't have the workers' interests at heart - their intention is to bring down the government. They've told us that. You know what they say. Power corrupts and absolutely power corrupts absolutely. The workers are merely cogs in their wheels.
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I dare not answer about "Power Corrupts Naomi.
Why not?
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Who has, or think they have the power? In my past some company's have tried to intimidate me, ask me to run bent ( Road Haulage) over my hours, fiddle the taco, a legal document by the way, I value my life, other peoples lifes, I stuck to the rules, the rules they apply when some goes wrong
TWR. You worked for companies that broke the rules and therefore unions are necessary. Fair enough – but the union bosses are not content with dealing with problems in the workplace – they are attempting to dictate to the democratically elected government of this country and to destroy it.
Corbyn seems to believe that disbanding the Armed Forces will ensure world peace by ensuring that wars cannot be fought. It therefor stands to reason that disbanding trade unions would bring about industrial harmony.
Another thought. Just say the unions stopped pouring money into political funds, and instead invested it in companies and businesses. They would eventually own or control said companies and be able to award themselves fantastic salaries and perks coupled with limitless sick leave, holidays and pensions the envy of the real world.
Disbanding both sides of a conflict will possibly stop violence and ensure other avenues of resolving the disagreement are considered. How the heck can someone compare that with removing one side of a conflict and giving the other side complete power ? How could anyone think that would create harmony rather than abuse ?

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