News2 mins ago
Bed and breakfast accommodation needed near the Barbican centre for an adult and child. Does anyone know of any nice reasonable priced hotels guest houses for 6 nights next August.
Generally you'd be looking at £1000 if you want to be really close by...
06:07 Wed 16th Sep 2015
Generally you'd be looking at £1000 if you want to be really close by
http:// www.las tminute .com/tr ips/hot ellist/ listInt ernal?a c_city= Barbica n&p TxId=10 551636& amp;sta rtIndex =0& checkIn Date=20 16-08-1 0&c heckOut Date=20 16-08-1 6&h otelMax ReturnP erPage= 25& guestCo unts=1% 7C1& ;locati onId=35 44284&a mp;gues tCodes= ADULT%7 CCHILD& amp;chi ldAges= 12& configI d=S7272 2479&am p;city= Barbica n%2C+Lo ndon%2C +United +Kingdo m&n umRooms =1& sortBy= distanc e&l ocation Type=PO I&p ath=hot els& ;ac_cou ntry=GB #shakeM essage= false&a mp;hote lNames= &fi lter_by HotelAm enityId s=& filterH tlSmile y=& showHot elType= ALL& ;filter HtlPric eRanges =250,54 00& striket hroughA ndPromo =false& amp;fil terHtlS tarRati ngs=&am p;start Index=n ull& ;sortBy =geo-51 .5191%7 C-0.093 98
but if you are prepared to travel a few miles each day you can spend much less
http:// www.las tminute .com/tr ips/hot ellist/ listInt ernal?a c_city= Barbica n&p TxId=10 551636& amp;sta rtIndex =0& checkIn Date=20 16-08-1 0&c heckOut Date=20 16-08-1 6&h otelMax ReturnP erPage= 25& guestCo unts=1% 7C1& ;locati onId=35 44284&a mp;gues tCodes= ADULT%7 CCHILD& amp;chi ldAges= 12& configI d=S7272 2479&am p;city= Barbica n%2C+Lo ndon%2C +United +Kingdo m&n umRooms =1& sortBy= distanc e&l ocation Type=PO I&p ath=hot els& ;ac_cou ntry=GB #shakeM essage= false&a mp;hote lNames= &fi lter_by HotelAm enityId s=& filterH tlSmile y=& showHot elType= ALL& ;filter HtlPric eRanges =250,54 00& striket hroughA ndPromo =false& amp;fil terHtlS tarRati ngs=&am p;start Index=n ull& ;sortBy =price
e.g Generator Hostel is 1.4 miles away and costs £345
There may be other offers on other sites but this shouldgive you a good idea.
Another option may be looking for someone with a house who puts people up. I'm not sure where they advertise.
but if you are prepared to travel a few miles each day you can spend much less
e.g Generator Hostel is 1.4 miles away and costs £345
There may be other offers on other sites but this shouldgive you a good idea.
Another option may be looking for someone with a house who puts people up. I'm not sure where they advertise.
Most of the cheaper ones are up near Kings Cross and Russell Square.
It depends on what you term reasonable. I have used the Ruskin Hotel, very close to the British Museum many times in the past, but not for a while. Also the President Hotel, just around the corner in Russell Square, very convenient for the Tube.
It depends on what you term reasonable. I have used the Ruskin Hotel, very close to the British Museum many times in the past, but not for a while. Also the President Hotel, just around the corner in Russell Square, very convenient for the Tube.