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Jeremy Corbyn And Freddy ...

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joggerjayne | 09:24 Fri 18th Sep 2015 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
... Krueger.

Are they related?


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Although I don't like corbyns policies I think its a bit childish to keep referring back to what he looks like,how he dresses -well at least while the press are bullying him they are leaving Farage alone
10:14 Fri 18th Sep 2015
Does Freddy sell the Big Issue too?
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If Freddy Krueger tried to sell The Big Issue, it would keep getting torn.
Only in your dreams
Any particular reason JJ !
Although I don't like corbyns policies I think its a bit childish to keep referring back to what he looks like,how he dresses -well at least while the press are bullying him they are leaving Farage alone
One thing you could never say about Farage, is that he is poorly dressed.
He always looks very well turned out whenever I see him.

By the way, where is our Nige ? He has almost disappeared off the face of the political planet ? I know it can hardly be described as onerous, his task of looking after his single MP, but he used to be on the news 24 hours a day, right up until the Election.
I thought maybe Bob Geldof. Or Howard Shipman.
Corbyn reminds me of old man Steptoe.
Or Robin Cook has been reincarnated.
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I thought they were showing an old episode of Catweazle ... but the announcer said it was Prime Minister's Question Time.
mikey Farage is doing the rounds of public speaking , mainly 'say no to the E.U. He was in Essex this week.
another really funny joke !!!!!!

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Jeremy Corbyn And Freddy ...

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