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What's It Worth As Scrap?

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sandyRoe | 04:27 Sat 19th Sep 2015 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
I left an old washing machine out in the front garden and a man with a van knocked and asked if h could take it. How much would he have got for it?


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Sweet F,A.

But if collects enough of them, maybe a few pints of the best.
Now where did my "he" go?

Maybe I should start a new thread asking that question.
Maybe he needed a spare part from it.
When my mum died and we had to clear the house we left her bicycle outside overnight thinking someone would take it, but sure enough there was a knock on the door, 'Did you know you had left you bicycle etc etc' I am convinced any other time it would have been stolen
not much, he would need a whole van full of scrap metal to make a few quid, copper is the most sought after metal, washing machines do contain low quality copper coating. They wont make much money unless they have loads of it.
They're worth next to nothing in cash terms but handy if you have dodgy money to launder.
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I thought there was copper in the electric motor that spins the drum. That might be worth a few quid.
I remember people once had to pay to get an old scrap car removed. Now the scrapmen pay for it.
Well, they may not be worth much but if you leave anything like that in front of your house around here, its gone in 24 hours, so t must be worth something !

They never take fridges I notice though.
my local scrap man won't take freezers, probably because of this ...

'' The freon inside of your fridge should be removed by a licensed HVAC contractor. Scrap yards will not be able to accept a fridge that has not been drained of the fluids. You can call local HVAC contractor and they will be able to remove the chemicals legally.''
Scrap steel was worth £200 per to tonne (1,000 Kg) so 20p a Kg.
I think the price has dropped since I last looked.
Things go in cycles. Time was a scrapper would pay you for your scrap car. Then it changed so you paid them, now we're back to they pay you : but for how much longer ?
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It's a bit like Chaos Theory in operation. A butterfly flaps its wings on the banks of the Orinoce River and a chain of events is set in motion which causes flooding in central Europe.
There's a downturn in an economy half way across the world, in China, and the scrap man who once paid you for a pile of junk wants paying again to take it away.
Junk, China......was that meant?! ;-)

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