Amazing how the UK can suddenly find cash and resources when it comes to looking after the world's population, while it's own people suffer.
I saw scenes of these 'new comers' on the TV news, the accommodation they were living in would be the envy of many, it also showed them attending classes, where they were being instructed in matters of benefit claiming, health care, and free dentistry.
/// Chancellor George Osborne has said money from the UK's £12bn international aid budget will be used to help local authorities house Syrian refugees. ///
How many times have we heard requests to the government to spend some of this overseas aid on our own people, all without success I'm afraid?
/// The support Horton Housing offers is for one year and includes providing suitable accommodation, access to education and health services, support with language skills, cultural orientation and other housing-related support as well as training to become financially self-sufficient - private landlords are the main housing source rather than social providers. ///
That's nice........