Anaemia in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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meggie11 | 11:08 Fri 12th May 2006 | Body & Soul
7 Answers

Ok so about 4 months ago i decided to become a vegetarian and up until now everything was going great. Meat repluses me so i didnt miss it and i wasnt having any health problems. But lately i have been feeling extremely tired even exhausted sometimes and sleep makes it no better. I went to the doctor and got my bloods done and im waiting for the results. Could i be anaemic? If so is there anything to make me feel good again because i have exams soon and ive totally lost my appetite.


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Iron tablets to get your red blood count up, but your doc will give you the best advise as to what to take when your results are back if you are anaemic
Hi there - don't panic, there are many vegetarians out there who are perfectly healthy including me, so it is really not a problem. Wait for the results and if indeed you are anaemic go to the health food shop and get some Floradex, it is natural iron in liquid or tablet form and much gentler to your body than traditional iron tablets. Then work on getting your body in great shape. So you need lots of slow release energy foods - Oats and bananas are great in the morning. Pasta, brown rice, spinach, broccoli, nuts, seeds and pulses. Lots of fruit - not too much citrus and loads of water, mineral if possible and as much as you can drink a day - I drink 5 litres.Hopefully this should help. - Love and light Amara xx


My husband is a vegetarian as he is unable to tolorate anything which has had blood in it, if he eats anything that has blood in it he becomes very ill and sometimes ends up in hospital. He used to suffer with tiredness, so I gave him vitamin B12 and B6 tablets and now he is fine. Being a vegetarian you have to make sure that you take a few extra vitamins and minerals.

If it does turn out to be anaemia then your doctor will probably prescribe an iron supplement. As a vegetarian, good sources of iron are wholemeal bread, cereals, eggs, dairy products and dried fruit. Also remember that iron absorption into your body is improved by Vitamin C, so keep the Vit C intakes up as well.

Good luck! x
Just out of interest eric git, do you know what blood type your husband is?
Yes he is o+, but he is a funny bloke, nothing is normal with him.
You could ba anaemic, but if you're eating properly you should be getting the right amount of iron (you get it in greens and spinach is full of the stuff) . Iron supplements might make you constipated so it's best to try to get your nutrients from your food - I've been veggie for 7 years and have never required supplements due to a good diet, though I was anaemic as a meat-eater!

It could be just side-effects of the stress you're under due to your exams. I know I've had it rough lately with exams one after the other, and I'm feeling really exhausted too. Once your exams are over, perhaps you'll pick up a little then?

Amara's advice re a veggie diet is really good. I know in the transitional period in becoming veggie, it's difficult to know what to eat. Try things like halloumi cheese as an alternative to meat, falafel kebabs are delicious, and you can have any curry or stir-fry with vegetables only. Oh, and Quorn's great if you're struggling or feeling lazy.

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