Started to do this puzzle last month. Is there a forum / blog site where the clues are discussed, like BigDave on the Dtel? crossword/635.pdf
In a Microsoft Word document, I know how to get the total word count, from "Tools". But how do I find out the count of a specific word, eg how many times does "the" or "we" appear
Answer to 6d "Symbol of authority namely transforming Peter" is SCEPTRE. Can you please explain why SC relates to "namely", as "transforming Peter" is EPTRE. Thanks
1a Creeper to proceed lamely on road (7) :- ASPHALT fits, and is "on road", but I query "creeper" being ASP, and "proceed lamely" being."HALT". Any ideas please?
Stuck on last two and can't find though Google, can you help please? 9a Man-about-town in Parism (12) B?u?e??r?i?r 30a Members of a communist bureaucracy (12) A?p?r??c?i?i Thanks in advance
Last two. 22a - A plant's emerging from shallow basin s---p-n, and 16d Shrimp-like creatures take life seriously! That's about right. -r---. Thanks for your help.
Thanks to the invaluable help given by respondents to jenniferd, I just have these to solve B= A hairy-lipped bat (9)--- variant of barbastelle? D= In a mediaeval polyphonic work, the "second" voice...
can anyone solve this? i've been trying all morning and it's doing my head in... you have to make the following numbers add up to 915 using add, subtract, divide and multiply. 4, 7, 9, 9, 75, 100...
Can you add to the following examples of THREE-WORD MINIMUM palindromic phrases please:- Madam I'm Adam Sex at noon taxes Able was I ere I saw Elba A man, a plan, a canal, Panama
Just a couple I don't really get: 5a Playwright penning a line to a yachtsman (7) P?I?T?R I'm sure it has something to do with pinter but I don't know what! Secondly 17d as in scare, panicky (7)...