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19a In petrology, a group of minerals or rock specimens occurring together in a given area (5) S?I?E.
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Maybe strap components of machine (6,5) ??v?n?,????? Battle in river is going over bank (8)...
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9d The tissue which partially fills the interiors of chambers in corals (9) E?D?T?E?A 11d Silk fabric somewhat less brilliant than satin as the overshot is not so long (5,6) CREPE ?E?E?R (veneer?) 34d...
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19a French dish of a boned, stuffed, shaped poultry thigh, typically poached and served roulade-style (9) ( ?A???T?N? ) I thought GALANTINE. However, the 4th letter must be L to fit with 13d ABELARD (...
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24a Polianthes tuberosa which, in the language of flowers, signifies “the pleasure of love” (3,8,2,3,5) – Is it “The mistress of the night”? 25d Upholding the principle of equality among...
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Hi :-) Can't get the last one today. 27A Associate of crook worked with wife with hesitation. (2,6) C* W*R*E*...
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32a Necklace of diamonds which gradually increase in size up to a large centre stone (7) ?i?i?r?
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Can't see this one...... 8d Foreign farmworker thats elighted by effect of red setter or another dog (6,8) Thanx in advance...
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Has anyone else found them very difficult this week? Or is it only me!...
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27a ---- a hare old phase meaning to raise a topic (5)
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Can you please tell me who is the actress that appears in a clip between the BBC correspondent, Lizo Mzimba, and Daniel Craig, in the “behind-the-scenes” countdown footage that precedes the BBC...
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last one but cannot solve it 22d in heraldry a sketch of a coat of arms in outline; a sailors spell at the helm i have t?i?k tia for help...
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5d - Ancient name of several Greek cities in western Asia (8) L?O?I?EA
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26d Creature which feeds on grass and cereals (11): G?A?I?I?O?E (I'm guessing it ends vore, as in herbivore)
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22a The name of one of the castles in Shakespeare's play Macbeth. ?N?E?N?S? - Inverness fits, but I can't find it in the text of the play...
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One letter from MP set up classical concert (4) ?R?M I'm sure the answer is PROM but don't get the wordplay here. Must be really easy but can't see it.
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17a Hard white crystalline sugar - Lactose? 17d Photograph reduced to the size of small spot - Microdot? one must be wrong !...
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Can anyone explain what is meant here please? "Suppose the numbers of spiders and flies make the total number of legs equal to 144, and suppose that if the number of flies were changed to the number...
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24 ac Cushitic language (4) ?f?r many thanks in advance...
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I need your help on four please. 2d Split a fulltime post (3,5) ???share; 3d rubber boot (5) ?e?l?; 55d Burning slightly (8) ?i?g?i?g; 83a stomach-churning (4) g?r?. Thanks in advance.

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