I am 10 weeks Pregnant + on Thursday afternoon after goin to the toilet, i notuced a Beige/Brown coloured Discharge. On Friday morning after goin to the toilet, after Wiping Myself (Sorry to be...
i had a one night stand with someone last year August before i went on holiday. i was very carefully,. i also slept with my partrner before and after my holiday. i am now pregnant with my 3rd child, i...
my son shares room with me his mum he is 7yrs and has lots of health problems sleep apnea, night terrors, muscle weakness t top half of the body ashma, socoliusus and sensory behaviour, the council...
When we get married next year we are thinking of askin people not to give us presents but instead to give donations to Yorkhill Childrens Hospital, where Mr Cat's niece was treated for serious heart...
Hello everyone i'm going out in newcastle in a few weeks, since having my little boy i've totally lost touch with clothing for nights out. Can anyone tell me if its still ok to wear jeans? i'm a bit...
a genuine reason for being proud to be British ?? other than the N.H.S. and armed forces, i cant think of ANYTHING British that im proud of. we Used to be a proud nation. these days we seem to be...
hi everyone have just joined ? i need a question answering my son is 7yrs old and sleeps with me his mum he has lots of health problems from sleep apnea, muscle weakness top half of his body, sensory...