Please can anyone help. 52.Morning person crossed the river.(9) 55.Cuts some wool(9) Also well known people with a bird in their name. 34.American actor and jazz band musician. 42.Noah. No numbers...
Please can anyone help with the following. 22.No longer in settle switch tracks. 23.P D in the location of hay stacks. 43.High living allowance space. No numbers given. Thank you for any help given....
American coin altered and put on an edge (7)
A lot of people post their Christmas cards here (9)
clever person's crossing (8 6)
Thank you for any help...
given.Please can you help.
24.Has David gone to the shop(4)
28.One invades 7 deadly & inters,we hear(10)
29.Military boss has medical procedure(4)
Than you for any help...
Please can you help with the last three.
29.What Topol was ....(p/r)
3o. .... what Topol aspired to be.(p/r)
42.Metallic inferior dog.(th/to)
Thank you for any help given....
Time is running out and I've still a few to do. Help would be appreciated for following: 2a In great difficulty (2,1.3,4) 2b ABCDFGHIJKLMNOPUVWXYZ (8) Answers will rhyme 12a Song title connecting Pink...