Can anyone help please.
28.In the tub Mr. Hardy.(4.6.)
22.Glass sheet has pm beverage on a short note(9)
7.Find negative in mixed birthday count.(5.4.)
15.Fine Scotch bread(4.4)
Anyhelp please....
Please can anyone help.
3.Cook in deep hole.(8)
7.Find a negative in mixed birthday count.(5.4.)
12.All muddled up Mrs Batty in deep sleep.(8)
1.Do Glaswergians really need to have the chip pan handy to enjoy these?= 8.When eating alphabet spaghetti make sure that you chew 'f' but --------? These are my last two for the quiz so can anyone...
Please can you help last 2 in this section. 5.The S.M.barked 'All recruits will obey every command l give without question'= 8.The teacher told Hamlet that his work must improve rapidly or he would...
3.Agatha James novel'Murder by the Sea' was widely acclaimed by the critics. 4.'Super' thought Richard as he gazed at the chocolate and cream confection= 9.As the Mayor knelt in prayer he hoped that...
6.lnitially a morality game with ascents on good squaressuch as faith and demotions on bad squares such as theft-what is this classic game? 10.How many points does the word IMP.score if it covers a...
7.The trainee artists eyes goggled at the sitter's naked body as it resposed on the sofa= 9.The farmer said that any beet left in the field would make animal feed in the winter= Can anyone give some...
Hello it is me again last 3 if anyone can help.
25 WHISKEY that won't bend.
26.You must have those OILS.
27.The best AGE of something new.