Starting Clue Chain 2 - all welcome π The idea of the game is that the setter poses an original home-madeclue which everybody is invited to solve. The poster who solves the clue first (hopefully... ...
Hi everyone the last one no longer appear in recent posts... today. Thank you Canary for taking the helm over the past Month π Many know how to play and new players are always welcome, they isn't... ...
Microsoft have released many Windows operating systems, and Windows 11 being the most current one. But what would you say was your favourite edition? By that I mean the best operating system to... ...
We all know friends or family that have their name shortened, like Christopher shortened to Chris, Or Kevin down to Kev. My father had a pet hate about names shortened into a kind of... ...
Dr. Charlie Teo Gummies: A Revolutionary Approach to Health in Australia In recent years, the health and wellness industry has seen a surge in innovative products designed to improve overall... ...
Hi,Stuck on 18a with a fistful of dollars,or more,is where Clint was before the movie that put him there 2,3,4,2,4 2>a Anyway,is there anybody left in America that's fit for work anymore 10, 16d... ...
I know this section is not about board games but wasn't sure where to put this question. We have been playing draughts today and trying to figure out the exact rules for jumping. Each thing we've... ...
Is the level of spending on everything from welfare and public services unsustainable? It seems everyone now expects the state to cough up whenever any kind of misfortune comes knocking their... ...