For those who answered my question yesterday, I have been baking and cooking today. So far today we have a lemon drizzle cake, chocolate brownies, a caramelised onion tart and a roast chicken dinner....
I probably havent put this in the correct section so apologies.... Ive been signed off work for the next 2 weeks and basically told to relax and de-stress. Any suggestions for cheap and interesting...
What have I missed tonight?
Forgive me.... I've tried to post and to click on other threads, but keep losing my signal...
Someone fill me in please.......
I have no idea who they belong to - there are about 20 of them. Do I have a duty to find the owner and if I don\'t, could the owner subsequently accuse me of trying to steal them!
Im going to go to university next year and have put down to do either child nursing or midwifery.... but cant decide which one would the better option to go for.... ideally, i'd like to stick with my...
this could run and run but then again it could fall as flat as a, wtf cares he-he, here goes!
In a small village in the English countryside, lived a Mr...... with his.... (your turn)...
An unknown number of people are riding a train. At the first station the train pulls into, 1/6 of the people on board get off. At the next station 1/5 of the remaining get off. This pattern continues...
Well today I can. A friend called in tonight around dinner time and thanks to tips received earlier today I was able to make a chicken Sarah go a lot further with a tin of whiskas chicken in gravy -...