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Who will win? I hope to god Wales do but fear England will be too strong and win 27- 18 or something like that C'MON WALES
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Yeah Bee
Why did my question about Bernardo get banned? i didn't write anything provocative or used foul mouth. Did somebody misunderstand what I meant with Jeopardy kinda guy
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2nd row
  janet brags about ' learning to speak WELSH, fluently in just one week '. i know her mother was Welsh, but surely not in one week only ? has anyone else ? and what, how long, is any language...
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Its Friday and the Ed's up on his roof putting up the "Santa please stop here" sign and the flashing reindeer (don't ask) so.....who's been naughty and who's been nice this year? Give (clean)...
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what on average do you own three of in your lifetime
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2nd row
  So its  SMITH for the top job ? whats the overall view up there ? im a bit suprised ! has he named his back up team ?  whats our Gordon S. going to do now ? what lenghth contract has...
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hi i got some marks from a car crash on my face wats the best sollution to get rid of them? thanks
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Hi ijust wanted to know if wan-kig makes u get pimples/spots ?
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2nd row
 returned home to reply to a Q. by Fakeplastic. posted today....... cant find it anywhere !.... where has it gone please ?
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2nd row
 How well i remember the great rugby  man , Willie John McBryde, also Paddy John, my son being a proud owner of his Ulster No 8 shirt.... my question though is "...
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Hi,there is a 6ft fence which divides my back garden from my neighbour's back garden, the soil on my side is 2ft higher than my neighbour's,so i would like to put up a partition fence to give me more...
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We have moved into a house with a basement which has stone slabs on the floor. These are beautiful but need a good clean as the previous owners of the house appear to have used the basement as a...
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How do i get chewing gum off trousers? I left a single chewing gum, the little extra ones, in my work trousers and my granny washed them without spotting the gum. Now its all stuck! I've had them in...
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Why was my question on Musical Instruments in People and Places banned?  Have I been automatically suspended?
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Yeah Bee
Who is Bernardo? Does he have a life outside the internet. I have seen his name on more aswers then anybody and he is often right. Is he an academic or just a jeopardy kinda guy
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Yeah Bee
There should be categhory about politics
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My grandfather was a greengrocer back in the days when vegetables were not washed before being put on sale.  They lasted for simply ages!  Veg nowadays are washed to look nice and...
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Pompey's question got me thinking:  Where's the nicest / friendliest place you've been to in the UK?
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I've just filled out an application form for employment with a gas/electric meter reading company (Meter-U). I have just read their employment information and the company are expecting successful...
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When food has a use by date on it does it really matter or can you go a few days over??  

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