im looking for a sofa cover or sofa slipcover for a 2 seater sofa. in cream or a neutral colour. nothing flowerey or elasticated or expensive. can anyone help.
Does anyone know where I can find Prada sunglasses model number, 72GS in tortishell, for the best price? I've seen them today and fallen in love, but want to get them for the best possible price!
I'm looking for a plainish red dress online, something like this: ice;jsessionid=712E699DF5F51D13BC3093FE8146A5F C.WareHouseAS4?ProductID=1829 or this...
anyone know where i can get S.B.S.P slippers. there big ones of him my friend got them from america but was wondering if anyone knows if there available in the uk? and where ty in advance xxxx