This is a question for guys regarding what you wear on a first date. Question is iof you were going on a first date , and youd pick out your ensemble for the evening .What underwear would you wear ?...
Been reading this in the mail on sunday. Now you might think im an old cynic. But. 68 Year old guy and 34 year old woman ?? Love or money ??
Leslie ash once the hottie in men behaving badly. 036375/Pictured-Struggling-step-way---agony-Le slie-Ash.html Only 48 years old and now hobbles around...
Have you ever been totally lovestruck ? Head overheels Mad crazy cant think straight and buzzzing alll day long? See if you rememebrthat feeling. Do you wish you could feel like that just for today ?...
When goin on a first date . Im sure you do the makeup nicely , but not tarty. And then the dress or outfit. Gotta be sexy but tasteful. Something that says , im not a virgin , but im not a salppeer...
Bin update. Bin laden had a very peacefull night and is almost full up again once I eat me lasagne for breakfast then its cup will runneth over with pleasure and will have to empty bin. Knobbys blog...
I enjoy this harmless activity, but, why is it getting smutty. Wanted young girls with webcams ? It should be closed down or restricted. Is nothing sacred.
Need to be awake tomorrow to make perferct roasties!-lol...take care everyone-Icey,harry,knobby,Leggy...and everyone else. Mwwaaaaahaaahahahahaa!! xxxx
Had a great day here !! I'll be back in -someones over active- as misty nights-tell her/him i was aking for her/him as my eyes are crossed with lack of sleep-good to have someone taking over in...
Oh welll again Why do some womens boobs go saggy whilst others stay pert and upright? Do you think its down to wearing the correct size bra or is it just the luck of the draw?
to make a tostie of ham cheese onion in these new fangle bags called toastie pockets re usable and washable for 100 times ?/ well do they do the job or wat as they are from a pound shop welll non...