HELP!! We want to book a family holiday (must be all inclusive) for a 17, 16, 15 and 14 teenagers. We thought somewhere like Alcudia in Majorca. Must be able to walk to a lively town with bars, clubs...
Help - can anyone tell me how to stop pop ups (mainly debt cos and casino). They are driving me MAD!! Thanks. PS in very simple terms please as I am no whizz kid!
We are having a belated honeymoon - can anyone suggest a romatic pretty place (not too far away - max 4 hour flight) with nice walks and scenery. Also what is the best time of year to visit your...
My mum (who is 76) has got to have a knee replacement. Any advice or van anyone tell me what she will be like after. I have insisted that she comes to stay with me for a week after so I can look after...
Morning I have a rather overgrown Photinia and a Mexican Ornage Blossom shrub that have fot quite leggy and out of shape. Should I prune then hard or dig up and replace? Thanks!!
Help me!! I have a day off work and really need to sort out the house - its a mess!! I cant get going - what shall I do? What makes you get off your ars* and get going?
Have decided against buying a pedigree puppy when so many dogs are homeless. Can anyone suggest a good place to look for a rescue dog in Hertfordshire? Many thanks.