There is rather a tedious but acrimomnious exchange that has broken out on this thread - suggest you have a look at it and take appropriate action. It is a little bit of acid and alkali at each other,...
Run into a road blocK! 7d Old Coin, distant object (8) thought it could be shilling but then 10a is chair and am not sure the ending of 12a which looks like sheepman/run 14d excessively describing...
Just can't get into this person's way of thing - only a 1/3 done......Anyway, let's see 1a Bird gives public official cricket score 8,4 M---a---/---- 5d 'Motley Crue' with mild treatment for...
1a looking pale, pocketed the last of father's dough (6) --s-r- 18d beginning climb after hearty lunch (7) n---e-- 19d i think is topcoat? ulster's best firm volunteers returns (7) 15d popular...
3d A fool accompanied by a girl (5) A-i?-a 28a terribly vain and flashy sort without power begininning to encourage encroaching (8) -n------ 22d Note story with university setting (6) -i---u Many...
12a gathers and puts the sheep to bed (7)
12d Foreign settlement (10) ---i---t---
21a The personification of cunning (7) -----rl ensnarl?
8a A millionaire is so courageous 4-7 19a Get rid of disreputable person at Oxford 3,2 27a is Scot at back of beer parlour turning crude 22a Administrator needs support, having become dull inside...
24a Reported bids finally ended, with key changes, for ancient fortification 5,4 o---s/----
27a Drink given to judge meets requirements 8,2 -----r-s/--
13a Pal sentenced due to skip part of sentence 9,6 D-F-----T, ------ (Different or Difficult)
18d Flying saucer copper observed in East Anglian town 6 --s---
19d Dot's wrong to indicate 5,3 --i-- out
20a Feel indignation being partly misrepresented 6 R--e-t
18a Leading energy drink 4 t--e
Thanks in advance...
1a Provision for good health a province put into place (10) t is 5th letter and o 9th, 2d See accommodation that may be useful for a writer 7 19d Hope for religious group: to seize power 8 27 a Yes...
Is beating me..... 13a Irritable father, a lightweight promises to pay (9) F-a-o?-o?-s 7d Doubly Depressed with relevant information (3-4) two?. down? 10a Young lover missing one bird (4) ---n and I...