9 Nov 2014 murder of a man Up to 3 pm His wife called the police The incident occurred when the police began to ask questions Where were you? Each one has all the answers Wife -: Sir, I was sleeping...
Saw this yesterday so it's a little behind the tragic events that subsequently unfolded in Sydney. It is still however a great story and whilst I don't partake in Twitter it does at time shave its...
is there anybody that could help me with this film please? it is a film you can see on tv over the christmas the letters i have are STAYFLY that has to be arranged or is that a film any help would be...
May I wish the AB Editor, Auntie AB, all the staff of AnswerBank, and all my fellow ABers, a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year. My thoughts also go out to all those ABers who have...
How many AB members have there been since it's inception and how many are still active? I think AB is a great site and I love the crossword sections. I joined over 6 years ago and it was only to ask a...
Stuck on last few, any help would be appreciated: 1. Sounds like it should be fringed, but it isn't (4) 2. In confusion, he ran but it stayed on his head (6) 3. Stay calm, keep it on (5) 4. I hear...
Please can anyone help with the following. Thanks in advance.Well known American actress: R, U, Y, R, B, L, A, M, I, L. ( 4,6 )English Actress : B, R, A, S, ? , O, I, N, D, N, O. (5,6)...
I have had lots of problems the past 5 days, as I have not been able to get on the site. Dont usually have to log on as password is saved, but p/w wouldn't work or even trying to create a new one...
70a.plunderer(6)-I-a- 71a.lock(5)t-e-s 56a.ran(6)---h-d (is it rushed) 47a.trumpets(9)-r-----ms 40d.admits defeat(8)-o-m---es 43d collect(5)a-o-- brain not working well today,this is taking me forever...
For those who claim the dangers of extremist Jihadis are not being addressed in the UK, here is an event showing a different side to your DM-fuelled rantings....
Do moderators have access to information such as IP addresses and timestamps (for logins)?
The reason for asking this is because today seems to be a wind up day....