I fell asleep for the last 20 minutes or so of Lost last night , would someone be very kind and fill me in? Is Charlie back on drugs? What was Locke doing with a screwdriver (or whatever)? I kept...
Does MSN leave an archive of conversations on your computer ? i.e is there a file written which records what you have said during discussions. If so, can this be accessed and printed out ?
i saw this weird advert that was about 4 minutes long and in was in black and white. it was about this man and woman and i'm confused as to what the point was. if anyone knows please shed some light....
no it's not saying it's really annoying or asking if the kid in it has killed himself or been stabbed BUT. Anyone know why they've changed the owrds-used to be a bit about a pireight (pirate)in it,...
and despite being very tired I have 101 things i need to do. Should I have a long lie in tomorrow and take the day off from the world? Or should I get everything done tomorrow and enjoy Southport...
what exactly is an emo?....i don't know if im asking this in the correct place, but does anybody know what one is...i was wondering what it was because i was talking to my friend the other day and she...
Sorry to anyone who hasn't seen this film as this thread may contain spoilers...so don't look!! Basically, I watched Donnie Darko last night...and i just don't understand it! Could somebody please...