I think it was on this programme that they featured a poem entitled something like A prayer/ poem to my aborted baby. Yes I know it sounds a bit gruesome but I'm trying to track it down or get a copy...
I was recently in a hospital waiting room( waiting for my father) and i saw someone reading a book written by a school teacher/tutor about life in school, but i am unable to remember the title or the...
One bright morning in the middle of the night, Two dead boys got up to fight. Back-to-back they faced one another, Drew their swords and shot each other. One was blind and the other couldn't see, So...
24a (4,5) Dull cook and TV host - - - t / - a - - - 17d (7) Cats could be good at making sounds - u - i - - - 19d (5) Gang is after small propeller - c - - - Thanks.