chinese alcoholic drink made from fermented rice, derived from the chinese phrase cooked three times i,ve been through all my chinese cook books without any success.hope someone can help.thank you...
last one hopefully.what nine letter word is commonly used in connection with politics and is derived from the italian meaning hand struck or hand seized. thanks in anticipation
what is the name of a genus of south american plants cultivated for their blue white or violet five lobed flowers named after an 18th century swedish botanist
what is the name of a dance that is derived from the portuguese for new voice. i have tried a potuguese dictionary but can,t come up with a relevant answer.hope you can help. tony
the name of a small french island with a famous literary connection,is the same as the title of a poem which is the most famous ever written by a certain 19th - 20th century british writer . what name...
i would be grateful for any clues as to the french artist who drew or painted the two girls in costumes i have run out of suitable painters thanks in anticipation----TONY
what is the nine letter portmanteau word which is applied to any substance that is capable of regaining its orginial size and shape after being deformed?