My cat has suddenly just done a crap in my living room and the other night i caught her weeing in the bath , why could this be? we've had her for 5 years and shes never done this before .
We are recently the proud new owners of a kitten! Shes a female, and i want her neutered. I know this can done between 4 and 6 months, but i was wondering how much any of you out there paid for the...
One of my neighbours cats lives on the fence dividing our properties. He's sitting on there morning, noon and night, day in, day out, and has been there constantly for the past 6 months at least. I...
How can I stop a strange cat coming in during the night. My cat os a speyed female and the strange cat seems to be waring a magnet on its collar. The cat wailing at night wakes us up!!
Hi I love reading everyone's stories about their lovely cats. Some are sad most are lovely... Some of you may remember we adopted a little stray that has recently lost her litter. She was only 1 and...
Does anybody have any good ideas on how to introduce adult cats to one another? i have 3 resident cats (1 5yr old male, 1 5yr old female and 1 3yr old female). 7 months ago, I tried to introduce a cat...
My cat keeps scratching the front door when he wants to be let in. The door is getting ruined and its wooden which is worse. I'm not allowed a cat flap as I rent the property and I could never keep...
we bought her when she was 11wks,have tried to put her nose in it when she pee pees,when she poos i give her a little slap on her snout and put her outside for 2 hrs..when she poos outside we praise...
Hi - I have heard there is a plug-in that you can get (similar to the air-freshener things) that will have a calming effect on pets. I have two cats that run riot occasionally and scag my new...