Got a new Samsung D600 mobile phone on 02 for Christmas, I've bought a 512mg memory card which i've put in, When i'm downloading music through Samsungs pc studio it is cutting off after about 14 songs...
For the last couple of days my uk gold tv channel keeps freezing and jerking and losing sound altogether, It only seems to happen on this channel. Anybody else having problems?
One of a number of prophetesses in ancient Greece and Rome such as the one from Cumae who guided Aeneas through the underworld. S_B_E (5 letters) (It is'nt Sybil because I'm certain the "E" is...
Been trying to think of the name of a film from about 15-20 years ago about an escape by jews from a concentration camp, I could be way out with the age of the film though, can anybody think of it?
EVERYBODY should do this, when you receive a letter for a credit card application, or a loan etc. or any junk letter with a pre-paid envelope to reply with, fill it full of ripped up paper or old...
EVERYBODY should do this, when you receive a letter for a credit card application, or a loan etc. or any junk letter with a pre-paid envelope to reply with, fill it full of ripped up paper or old...
In this film, what is the song being played when Richard Gere comes up the elevator with a rose in his mouth and starts to dance with Susan Sarondon? thanks in advance
Today I was having some lunch next to Tesco car park and noticed the following, around 90% of women enter the parking spaces forwards instead of reversing into them, why is this? Ladies, It's much...
How correct is the BBC, I watched Football Focus this dinner time, there were three guys in the studio, 1 Indian man, 1Black man & 1 reformed Gambling/Drug addict/Alcoholic............Perfect!