Me and a work colleague have been debating whose team would win if they played against each other. The scenario: Pick any players from any era in any formation. Team 1 GK:Gordon Banks Defenders:Carlos...
What would be the first thing you would do if you where a manager of a premier club? Me start everyone at 10,000 pounds a week then perfomence bonuses1000pounds per win 500 per goal 500 per shutout...
Gary Glitter in front of the firing sqaud is asked if he has any last requests! Yes he replies .. Can Peter Crouch take the shot!! AH THANK YOU SOME MORE
I have been suffering with Sciatica for 2 weeks now. I saw my GP a week ago (when she confirmed it was Sciatica). She said it was like a sprain and would take 6-8 weeks to heal and I have to take it...
what 2 football teams never have to change their strip home or away because they dont clash with any one and y i know one of them is reading becuase it has something to do with the queen?
having nearly completed my final year of a very boring and tedious business studies degree, i was wandering if anyone has any experience of working in both the armed forces and in an organisation on...
as of today i am drinking 2.5 litres of water a day (dont think i have been even drinking a litre), no alcohol over than saturdays and even then i have to have a water in between every alcoholic...
Bacon has double the salt of the Atlantic Ocean. Who say you don't learn anything on Daytime TV. Who works the garbage out? Anybody get any other *facts* Let's hava BigFacthunt!!
I have just opened the newspaper and yet again a sickening sight of someone hanging a puppy. I know what I would like to do to these people and I am sure others would too. My question is. WHY do...
Who do you rate as the 3 most irritating footballers in the Premiership at the moment? I would say Robbie Savage El Hadji Diouf Christiano Ronaldo. Do you agree?
anyone got any good experiences of using beta-blockers to combat the somatic symptoms of stress? and what about websites offering details of "Coping Strategies" ?
anyone know what running shoes are best to help with over-supination when running? i have long had a problem with running on the edges of my feet and managed to find New Balance 1023's...
Here are two of mine. 1. If you chew whilst chopping onions, your eyes will not water. 2. If your tap water smells of chlorine, place some in a jug, leave it in the fridge for a while and...